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Organizing Booklet
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Arts and Culture Strategies
Want to help create a flood of art that indicates what’s to come and makes the connections between climate, racial and economic injustice clear and irresistible?
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Organizing Model

Groups and organizers from around North America are coming together
Groups and organizers from around North America are coming together in their regions to form regional action councils. Each action council is taking responsibility for coordinating a series of actions throughout the fall and supporting each other through the process by organizing trainings, planning summits, phone calls, and in person meetings. Some of these action councils are organizing by region (for instance, the mid Atlantic) other action councils may choose to organize based on the issues they’re working on (for instance anti-fracking groups).
The regional action councils are all working together through a continental action council that’s providing coordination on communications, training, fundraising, messaging, and other logistics.
Who can join the flood?
You! #FloodTheSystem can hehop with your Flood
Together we can repair a flood of massive disruption .
I’m part of a group, what do you want us to do?
We are asking you to escalate the smaller actions you probably already do and to work with others to plan mass actions during the timeline of Flood the System.
This doesn’t mean abandoning the rad projects and actions you are already working on. Flood the System is a call to make those actions bigger by forming relationships with others so that collectively we can create systemic change. Our goal is to stream your actions, along with others across the continent, into a flood that will rise in the fall and crest around the UN climate negotiations in Paris (see below for why).
Starting in September, numerous smaller actions will crescendo into a few mass actions that will be developed through an action council process. The energy we will collectively create by aligning our mobilizations and starting to work across movements will allow us to do bigger, more powerful things than we normally believe is possible.
So start dreaming big and talking with others!
I’m an individual, what do you want me to do?
Check out the website, sign up for updates, let us know how you want to plug in! We will regularly send updates and announcements about events, trainings and coordinating spaces where you can join the flood and connect with a group.
If there aren’t groups in your area that share your desire for systemic change then invite your friends over for dinner and start a conversation! Organization allows us to create deep transformational social change.
If you can’t start or join a group there are still many ways you can be part of Flood the System. You can donate to the work of other groups, come to actions later this fall, share Flood the System articles and updates on social media. Everything helps!
I understand what you want me to do, now why do you want me to do it?
The United Nations is hosting big negotiations about climate change at the end of this year, as they have done for the last twenty years. At the negotiations they will be debating the global response to climate change. The problem is these conferences are not about creating effective solutions for healthy communities and ecosystems. These conferences are places where “negotiators” who represent the global corporate elites look for ways to sustain capitalism and its destructive consequences to people and lands around the world. They won’t be discussing the systemic origins of the crisis – white supremacy, colonialism, patriarchy and capitalism – let alone dealing with climate change and the energy economy in a way that works for anyone but the rich.
We feel this is a natural and important moment to preemptively highlight community resistance and alternatives in advance of another colossal failure of international leadership. By focusing on the root causes of the climate crisis we can also begin to build relationships across movements so that we have the power we need to create systemic change.
The UN conference is being hyped in the media and there will be a big focus on it. We have an opportunity this year to build momentum together, create a wave of energy and shift the focus away from false corporate options and toward community-based solutions.
Yaass! I’m excited about this. How do I move this forward?
We want to hear from you! We want to know more about what you are struggling with in your community and how you envision a livable, sustainable future. Get in touch with us by filling out this form. Let us know who you are and how you’d like to get involved.
Over the summer, we hope to see “anchor” groups in different, regions or relating to different issues (like a focus on pipelines or oil trains all doing an action at the same time), develop and provide a place to connect and collaborate. These anchor groups are committed to planning Flood the System actions through local action councils and facilitating the process for different groups to work together to plan big, amazing things. We’ll follow up with you once these groups have been solidified.
As groups start connecting we’ll be encouraging and providing information to folks to organize actions by convening Action Councils. Training materials and detailed descriptions of the Action Council model will be found in a longer booklet and embedded within trainings we’ll be providing (coming soon!). We believe this model can hold the organizing styles of both small groups and larger organizations in a coordination space that’s pointed toward a similar goal: Flooding the System. These Action Councils may be local, regional or issues-based depending on the nature of collaboration. There will also be Summits that will happen at which initial planning and relationship building can occur. Summits have already occurred in the Pacific NW and the Northeast (don’t worry they’ll probably have more) and many are in the works.
We encourage you to start thinking about or even start convening an action council now!